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Community development

At Fonhelph, we strongly encourage all healthy income-generating activities, all Christian associations that believe that community development is the key that closes doors to misery and opens a new door to well-being, to a better tomorrow. This is why we support the idea of ​​collective work, of a Christian association committed to serving the population in order to reduce poverty and hunger.

In this section, Fonhelph targets these very specific areas of development:  Water and Sanitation, Community health and Nutrition, Agriculture, Livestock breeding and micro-credit.

  • Water and sanitation

Having sanitary facilities and drinking water available is very beneficial for a community. In order to facilitate the development of a community it is essential to have them at hand. Thus, Fonhelph is actively working to find partners who can make water accessible to the whole community without having to travel miles to find it.

This allows Christian partners to help needy communities and to share the love of God around them.

  • Community Health and Nutrition

Health care is a luxury in Haiti. Through our community health program, we organize medical fairs or mobile clinics where doctors provide health care to people in the community at reduced prices.

Communities cannot survive if they do not receive health care. Hospitals are very far away, especially in remote areas. By the time they get to a hospital, people often die on their way to find health care. This is one of the reasons why we want to create a dispensary in the community where they can find first aid.

  • Agriculture

Thirty-seven (37%) of Haiti’s land area is useful arable land. the peasants believe in the land. However, some who own plots of land that can produce food in quantity, lack of equipment or quality seed, difficulty in selling the product after harvest, cause the peasants to squat in poverty and starve. To enable farmers to have enough to support their families, priority is given to farmers who need training and equipment to take good care of the land and ensure food for all their families. Thanks to their production, their children can go to school, they will have enough means to pay for health expenses. To this end, Fonhelph and its partners offer support for agricultural development, enabling farmers to guarantee food security for their families.

  • Breeding

In Haiti, animal husbandry plays a very big role for many of the population. There is even an old Haitian adage which says: “Gadinaj se kanè bank malere”. So, animals are the bank account of the peasants. This means that the peasant families who operate in this sector of activity, can find, as in agriculture, to pay for their child’s education, find money to buy seeds and meet other needs. It is a reliable and stable source of income. The Fonhelph and its partners intend to provide support to breeders in order to reduce the challenges of animal production.

  • Micro-Credit

According to an FAO report, the entire poor population in Haiti is estimated at 650,000 households in need of microfinance. So micro-credit plays a potential role in poverty reduction and development in Haiti. It is an instrument for raising the standard of living, creating jobs and creating new goods and services in the country. The micro-credit program envisaged by Fonhelph takes into account small merchants, small planters, pastoralists and cases of special families, allowing them to increase the income in their business. However, Fonhelph as a Christian foundation has a particular sensitivity for Christian associations, in order to bring them up from the poverty line. Thanks to the support and solidarity of the partners, Fonhelph can allow people in despair to find hope.

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