MISSION’S TRIP TO LES CAYES (30 aug-02 sept 2021)
A little pick at the damages
Our Journey to explore the affected areas in les Cayes left us speechless. Even though we knew how huge the damages were, it touched us to see how people lost everything. The further we went on our way the more we encountered destroyed houses and the more we heard troubling stories.
Camp Perrin
Camp Perrin Descriptive
Those families have found refuge in a school which welcomes disadvantaged and abandoned children. As you can see, it is not a school that is built, between four plastic walls it is where these children learn. After the houses nearby were totally crushed or severely cracked these nine families found their shelter there. Almost 100 people sleep there every night and during the day they go back to their house to search the rubble and try to find what is left. In our visit to this section of Mayann in Camp Perrin we were able to help the families by providing them with sheets, blankets, water and tent.
Plaine Martin
Plaine Martin Descriptive
Since the houses are crushed in the mountains, their residents took refuge on the side of the road in different camps in Plaine Martin. Watch and see how they are leaving…
Saut Mathurine
Saut Mathurine Descriptive
At Saut Mathurine, we visited several elderly people who were too lucky to survive this tragedy. When you consider the condition of these houses, it is a miracle that they are still alive.